We offer our praise and gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa/God Almighty because for His blessings and grace, this 6th National Seminar on Innovative Research (Senari) was carried out as planned. Senari is a scientific activity in the form of a national seminar that aims to facilitate the dissemination or dissemination of research results and critical thinking of researchers and academics from all over Indonesia, both lecturers, researchers from research institutions, teachers, and other professions. This seminar was originally initiated by the Research Institute (Lemlit) of Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) in 2013 to facilitate efforts to build the academic culture of Undiksha lecturers and researchers in disseminating research results in scientific forums. Over the years, Senari has transformed into a national seminar that is not only attended by academics from Undiksha and Universities from the Nusa Tenggara region, but also from almost all over Indonesia. The series is carried out to accommodate the publication of research results that put forward the side of innovation, quality excellence, and the uniqueness of each discipline in order to strengthen the nation’s identity. This is reflected in the theme, which is “Education and Technology Synergy Facing Challenges in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0”.
The 6th Senari was attended by 115 presenters. In terms of manuscripts, we can report that the committee received a total of 147 applications, but only 115 passed the review and were declared eligible covering four fields of science (education, social and humanities, science and technology and health). This year, many Senari participants came from outside Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, such as Palangka Raya University, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, Unsika, East Java Veterans UPN, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, Singaperbangsa Karawang University, Ambon State Christian Institute, Nineteen November University Koloka, Indonesian Islamic University, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, Stikes RS Anwar Medika, and Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Therefore, on behalf of the committee, allow us to welcome all participants in the 6th Senari and thank you infinitely
for his trust in Undiksha. This year’s Senari event featured two speakers. As the first speaker is Prof. Dr. Nyoman Sudana Degeng, M.Pd., Postgraduate Director, State University of Malang, lecturer, researcher in the field of instruction, reviewer, and author. The second speaker is Prof. Ir. Dr. Ing Eko Supriyanto, lecturer, and researcher at the Malaysian University of Technology. We express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the speakers who have fulfilled the committee’s request as resource persons in the 2018 Senari. We realize that this year’s Senari would not have been possible without the sincere support and assistance. Therefore, allow us to take this opportunity to thank: (1) Kemenristek Dikti for the research funding provided, especially to Undiksha researchers so that researchers can conduct and publish their research results; (2) the Rector of the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha who has supported the implementation of this activity; (3) The Programme Committee who has provided moral and material support for the implementation of this activity, (5) the reviewers who have worked hard in the selection process for the articles in this seminar, and (6) the friends of the organizing committee for their hard work and dedication. his dedication for the implementation of this national seminar, as well as the sponsors who have supported him. Thank you and I hope this collaboration will continue. That’s what we can say. Hopefully Senari activities can provide benefits and contributions for all of us, the wider community, as well as the nation and state.
Proceedings files can be downloaded in the following attachment.